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April 2000
Sign up for the
51st Annual Reunion in Norfolk, VA
From: MR2NC@aol.com
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:56:02 EDT 
Subject: Alfred J. Dionne
Does this person look familiar?
 his name is Alfred J. Dionne he 

served with the 94th 301st IR "C" company. looking for anyone who knew him. Can you help? 
Gene Grenier
421 Ticonderoga Rd 
Va beach Va 23462




From: Gbuster084@aol.com 
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000
Subject: My Grandfather 

My grandfather served during WW2 with the 94th Infantry Division.  He is dead now so I cant get any information from him..  I know that he served with an anti-aircraft unit in a half track.  I also know that he was in the battle of Aachen.  That is about all the info that I know of him.  If anyone can help me out, I would deeply appreciate it.  Thanks 

From: "marnix @ susan" <marnixsusan@zonnet.nl
Subject: help wanted ! 
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000

I'm writing you with a special request. Please let me explain; For many years I've been gathering information on specific topics regarding WW2. This also involves maintaining a collection of WW2 documents and photos.

For about two years ago I found a package of WW2 envelopes and some letters in the Belgium village Malmedy. All the envelopes / letters were written by US soldiers to their families in the USA during 1944-1945. Since the time I found them I'm trying to locate any sort of information I can on the men who wrote the envelopes more then 55 years ago.

My request to you is based on he fact I do have an envelope and letter written by a soldier of the 94th Division; 301 Infantry Rgt, CO K. To my great surprise I found his name back while visiting your website; It seems he was KIA.

His name was A R Schnuck; ASN; 35718960.

I'd very much like to get into contact with anybody who knew him; or maybe even his family. I do have a letter written by Mr.Schnuck "somewhere in England" dated August 26, 1944.  The letter most probably was written to his brother S/Sgt W Schnuck. 

Do you maybe have any kind of information regarding Mr.Schnuck and when or where he was killed? Do you maybe have any leads to anybody who knew him?

Thank you very much for your attantion. Any kind of informaion will help and will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Marnix Versteegh marnixsusan@zonnet.nl

Boeckstaetehof 566
6543 HC Nijmegen
The Netherlands

From: "Linda Kellner" <lindakellner@hotmail.com
Subject: Major General Harry J. Malony 
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000

Harry Malony was my grandfather.  I am trying to find a copy of the 94th Infantry comic book, pages of which he had cut out and papered on the back of his livingroom door in his farmhouse in New Hampshire.  If anyone out there has one, could you let me know?  I'd just like to get a copy made. 


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000
From: Jack Gibbons <otlad@earthlink.net
Subject: Roewhr River Crossing at Lampaden 

I'm looking for some additional information about the river crossing as my father was severly wounded while constructing the bridge (A Company, 319th Eng).  I know that you were up against the 6th SS Mountain Division, but how long did it take to get across the river and how long were you in contact with the SS Division.  Any information would be
appreciated.  E-mail: otlad@earthlink.net


From: "Mike Urie" <murie@hoerbigercorp.com
Subject: David Urie (Corporal) 
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 

My father, nick named "Red" was a machine gunner with the 94th and awarded the bronze star in the ETO. If anyone knew and / or served with him or has information on the details of his receiving the bronze medal, I would be most appreciative. He died in My 1981. 

From: "Samuel and Elizabeth Anthony" <samuelanthony@erols.com
Subject: Third Platoon, Company A, 301st Reg. 
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000

Hello to all former 3rd Platooners of Company A, 301!  Where have you been all of these years? I would very much like to hear from all of you. Especially John Becker[BAR], John Spain, Tom Berkelege [from Colorado] , John Stanky[Sgt], Jim. Dempsey,  Joe Kosty[Sniper], and all of the guys who left Camp McCain with me in 1944.  Please contact me to arrange a third platoon get together in 2000 or 2001.

Samuel Anthony
4345 Old Washington Rd.
Sykesville, Md. 21784

From: Wilma Bland <wpb52@olynet.com>
Date: Sunday, April 16, 2000
Subject: Who Are These Guys?

I am attaching a scan of one of the photos I have of Dad's (Clint Bland). I was wondering if anyone would remember who  they were and the story behind the photo. Hard to say if they were just  F Co, 302nd or what. Does anyone recall?
Wilma Bland (Clint's daughter)

From: Jack Wilz <jackwilz@jvlnet.com
Subject: Joseph Arthur Coffey 
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000

   Hi  If anyone knows where to Contact J Arthur Coffey, of New York City Please let me know. Also Elmer Decker of Terre Haute Ind. Both served 1st bn 376 inf.
  Thanks  Jack Wilz   jackwilz@jvlnet.com

Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000
From: Roland & Thelma Vogt <rhvtkv@xroads.com
Subject: Private Schenks 

Would like to make contact with or receive information re a Pvt. Schenks (sp.?) out of Shawano, Wi.

Roland H. Vogt
1747 N. Morrison St.
Appleton, Wi., 54911 

Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000
From: Roland & Thelma Vogt <rhvtkv@xroads.com
Subject: Search for "Capt. Jacques 

Wishing to make contact with or receive information about Capt. Jacques, Co. I, 3rd Battalion, 376th Regiment.  I served with him as Staff Sgt., and following a Battlefield Commission, as a 2nd Lt.

Roland H. Vogt
4141 N. 3lst St., #214
Phoenix, Az., 85026-5878 

Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000
From: "Franek, Darlene 
Subject: Benjamin Bordino

Hello & thank you for your attention to my message/request. 
My father was Benjamin Bordino - he passed away in January 1990. 
He served in the US Army 94th Division -  1942-1945 I would like any information on him during his service.  Your help is very much appreciated. 
My e-mail address is: darlene.franek@roche.com 

Home address: 
120  Alfred Street 
Clifton, New Jersey 07013-3004 

Thank you very kindly. 

Mrs. Darlene (Bordino) Franek 

From: Thstht@aol.com 
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000
Subject: Walter J Hannon 

thank you all for keeping us safe. Anyone remember Walter J. Hannon? He was with the 1st bn 376th Inf Reg Co C 1st platoon. 


If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

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