
9/49/4Personal Notice and Search Page
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June 2001
From: ludwigreisen@t-online.de (Ludwig) 
Subject: Duisburg events 1945 
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001

In 2002 the suburb H'ttenheim in the south of Duisburg will have its 90th anniversary and at the moment I am preparing a book about the history of our suburb. In April 1945 it was the 94th Infantry Division US Army which freed our suburb after 12 years from the NAZIs. The older people still remember the end of the war and I am now looking for men of the 94th Inf.Div. which took place in the events of 1945. There have been around 6 weeks of Artillery bombardment on the city between March and April 1945 and the men of your Division came from the suburb M?ndelheim just across from Uerdingen, where the German troops destroyed the "Adolf Hitler" bridge. From M?ndelheim they moved to the North to our suburb H?ttenheim with the great Mannesmann steelworks which are a landmark of the suburb and also a large clock tower in the middle of the old housing. They moved along the mainstreet with two large Restaurants where also have been dancing evenings for the soldiers, a cinema called "Lichtspiele" and the end station of the No.8 cable car where also the soldiers of your Division went to the city. The soldiers of your Division lived in the more comfortable houses of the Directors and Engineers of the factory and have had their "headquarter" in the "Casino" of the steel mill till the British Troops came to Duisburg. I would be glad if there is anybody of the 94th Inf. Div. who still remembers the events of 1945 and could write them to me. Also if there are documents or photographs 
for the book which I am writing.

Please write to: 
Harald Molder,Franziskusstra?e 9,47269 Duisburg, Germany

From: "Larkin's" <greglarkin@centurytel.net
Subject: Battery C, 242 FA BN 
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001

I have recently gotten the History of the 94th Regiment.  I'm interested in what part my late father's unit played in WWII, but I am having difficulty in deciphering where exactly he was.  His name is Donald Lyall Marks, his highest rank was SSgt, and he was a radio operator.  I thought he was part of the 302d, but his discharge paper says Battery C, 242 FA BN.  Does this mean 242d Field Artillery Battalian?  Anyway, I'm confused.  Dad's serial number was 36-285-880.  Can you tell me where he was in terms of the 94th?

Many thanks,

Susan Larkin

From: Janet Gordon
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001
Subject: 301st infantry, Company E 

My father, Claude W. Lee, was a private and then staff sergeant in Company E of the 301st and was in France and Germany from Sept. 1944 to June 1945.  I am interested in any further history I can find about his unit at that time, and certainly any individuals that were part of it.  Some of the battles he was in include Sinz, Faha, and Freudenberg, Germany.

I can be emailed at jgordon105@aol.com

Janet Gordon 

From: Joseph Douglas
Subject: Gordon Douglas Co. C 319 Engineers, 94th 
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001

My granddad, Gordon L. Douglas, who served in Company C of the 319th Engineers throughout the war past away last Christmas Eve, and I am earnestly trying to contact anyone who might have served with him.  While I can recall from my childhood many of his wartime stories with clarity, he
became particularly vivid in relating what he and his fellow soldiers saw
in his fading hours.  If anybody served with him, or can help me conduct a
better search, I would be grateful to hear from you.

Joseph Douglas

From: Chillinout62@cs.com
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001
Subject: Clarence (Micky) R. Corbin

I am trying to find some information about my Grandfather. His name was 
Clarence Rolland Corbin. His friends called him Micky. He was killed in 
action on February 19th, 1945. He was in the 301st, 94th Infantry division. He was from Nokesville, Virginia. His wife's name was Marie. I wish I knew more about him and I hope that someone will remember him. I am not even sure what battle he may have been killed in. I have tried to find out more information but unfortunately so far I have not been able to obtain very much. His # was 33858594. I do know from talking with family and friends that he had very light blue eyes. He had two children, one boy named William (Billy) and a daughter named Betty. Thanks and God bless. 

Cynthia Miller 

From: Hotshot1963@cs.com 
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001
Subject: Bronz Star 

My father willie Lester  received the bronze star.Is there any way I can find out the details. 
Thank You , 
Wilford Lester 

From: Jonathon Huls
Subject: Kenneth Collman
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001

I am looking for any information about my uncle who just passed away on June 13. His name is kenneth collman from crothersville indiana. His was a platoon sgt in company I 302nd infantry. Any recollections or stories or pictures would be welcome. thanks.

--- Jonathon Huls
--- jonhoosier@earthlink.net

Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 
From: "Dave Graham"prvstock@comcast.net
Subject: Photo of James E. Graham "Jimmy" 
This is a photo of my uncle, James E. Graham.  He was in Co. F., 376th Infantry, 94th Div.  His platoon leader was Lt. Wilford Wilson and his Company Commander was Capt. Phil Whitman.  The photo indicates it was taken in 1944 (probably on leave).  I have talked with several members of his unit, but did not have a photo to put on this page the last time I placed a notice on the 94th site. 
  Does anyone remember Jimmy Graham?    Jimmy was MIA 10 Feb 1945 at Bannholz Woods.   He was apparently found in 1951+ and is now buried in Staunton, Va.  (his home town).   I have been doing a lot of research on my uncle and would like to hear from anyone who may have known him from the time he was at Camp McCain until MIA.  The photo is not of good quality, but it is the best I have at present.   I am also looking for a platoon, or company photo that Includes my uncle.  Does anyone have the ability to make and sell me a copy?  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

David Graham
700 South Ridge Parkway, Suite 313
Culpeper, VA.  22701

From: "Dave Graham" <prvstock@monumental.com
Subject: Phil Whitman's Book 
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001

I am trying to find a member of Company F, 376th Infantry.  His name is J. A. Beattie.  According to Phil Whitman's book, he was in F/376.   I contacted you before regarding my uncle James E. Graham (Jimmy) who died at Bannholz Woods 10 Feb 1945.  My research has indicated that Sgt Beattie was with or near my uncle when he died.  Is he a member of the reunion group and do you know how to contact him.  I really enjoy your personal notice page.  I have had good response from some really wonderful people.   I include a photo of my uncle which I believe was taken just before leaving for Europe in 1944.   The photo is of poor quality, but it does show him in uniform.  I would really like to obtain a copy of his platoon photo taken at Ft. Benning or Camp McCain. 

Thanks for your help!

Dave Graham
700 South Ridge Parkway, Suite 313
Culpeper, VA.  22701

From: "Doug Goodwin" <dougieg@mindspring.com
Subject: Q.R. Hester Jr 
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001

I am just trying to find out some information.  My Daddy was in the 94th infantry in Germany during World War II.  He died 12 years ago but I wanted to see if I could find anyone who might have been in his unit.  His name was Q.R. Hester Jr. from Adairsville, Georgia.  This might be like looking for a needle in a haystack but I thought you might could help.

Thank you very much and God Bless,
Olivia H. Goodwin
Acworth, Georgia

Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001
From: Bernard Rader
Subject: Our trip to Brittany July 7-9, 2001 

I was in Brittany on October 2, 1944.  I was in a patrol that was ambushed on that day.  I was one of 55 men who were taken prisoner or killed in that ambush.  I was wounded and spend six weeks in a hospital in Lorient, until I was exchanged in November, 1944.

In May, 2000,. my wife and I were invited to attend ceremonies in Etel and Ile de Groix in honor of the 94th.  We were there with John Hoerber, Bob Higgins and Wayne Stewart.  We were there when they dedicated a plaque to Tony Leone's brother, who was killed in Etel.   At that time, we looked for the ambush site, but could not find it.  We have a map drawn by Wayne Stewart and Bob Higgins.

We have been in touch with a Frenchman, Frank Perammant, who was a five year old child at that time.  He lived nearby, and was aware of the attack.  He knows just where it took place.  He also told us that there is a book called "Not in Vain", by Leon Standifer,  who was one of the soldiers on that patrol.  The book has a map of the exact spot.

I would like to get a copy of that book.  We are going back to Brittany on July 7th to July 9th., and would like to be able to see the site. 

Do you have any information about this book?  How can I get a copy?

Any information would be helpful.

Thank you.

Bernard Rader
191 Wilson Place
Freeport, N.Y. 11520
email:  berniej1@optonline.net

From: "Miller, Timothy S" <millert@indy.raytheon.com
Subject: Pfc. Robert (Bob) E. Slater - 302nd, F co. 
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001

I'm hoping someone might be able to provide me with any information,
recollections, or other sources of information regarding my uncle Bob
Slater.  He was in the 94th, 302d, F company (Capt. Kops), and in Joe D.
Alvarado's platoon.  He and a man named William McElroy were members of a B.A.R. team when he was killed.  Bob's platoon was trying to take the town of Sinz near Tettingen on Jan 26th when he was wounded by an artillery shell explosion.  He died a week later in a field hospital.  I am trying to piece together as much about his life as I can as we have very little information about him and what he did.  I know that he was also close to Chaplain (Capt) Edward H. Harrison of the 302d 2nd Bn. also.  Bob used to play the organ at the church services.

I have a few pictures of Uncle Bob and a small number of photos of other men from his unit, a few letters and such, but little else.  I'd be happy to
exchange copies of any with others who might have known him.

Any information about him or what his platoon, company, or regiment was
doing in the days leading up to his death would be very greatly appreciated.  Many thanks to all those who served our country in WWII.

Tim Miller
Indianapolis, IN

From: Walter Schmidt
Subject: Press request: Searching Robert Kingsbury 
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001

Dear Gentlemen:
As a German journalist writing about the Siegfried Line I got to know your division member Robert Kingsbury a coouple of weeks ago on the German-Luxemburg border, to be more exakt: in a pill-box at Sinz/Saarland. For my article I would need some more detailed information about Your division?s attack on the shelters of the Orscholz-Riegel, the fortification line linked to the main Siegfried Line. Is there ana chance to send or even mail me sort of a military diary, dealing concisely with the attack on Sinz' And could you give me Mr. Kingsbury's address (telephone and e-mail) in New Hampshire?

That would be of great help to me, thanks a lot, 

Walter Schmidt
E-Mail: schmidtwalter@t-online.de

Date: Tue, 4 June 2001
From: Elizabeth Wells ecwells@samford.edu
Subject: POW exchanges, Lorient and St. Nazaire, France, November and December 1944

Samford University is preparing for a film documentary of the POW exchanges of 149 Allied prisoners at Lorient and St. Nazaire, November and December 1944.  These exchanges were negotiated by Samford alumnus, Andrew G. Hodges, A.R.C. Field Director, 94th Division.  We are seeking personal recollections, photos, etc.  We have contacted the American Red Cross, National Archives, individuals and received some information but want to follow all leads.  The VFW referred me to your web site.  Very impressive!

I look forward to hearing from you.  Should you think of other contacts, please let us know that too.

Elizabeth C. Wells
Special Collection Librarian

Date: Mon, 3 June 2001
Subject: photos
From: David A De Stefano <dadestefano@juno.com>

Enclosed photos of 376th infantry.
Any information on individuals in pictures would be great.

Uncle Tony

God Bless "The Greatest Generation"
I still miss my uncle Tony 1920-1974

From: "Tom Tarantino" <ttarantino@hotmail.com>
Subject: Lost contact...
Date: Tue, 3 June 2001

My name is Tom Tarantino.  I am the grandson of Joe Tarantino, who served in the 94th during the war.  My grandfather passed away in 1987 from complications brought on by hepatitis he contracted during a heart operation.  Unfortunately, I was nine years old at the time of his death, and was too young to ever discuss the war with him.

All my family knows of his war experience was that he sustained extensive
shrapnel injuries (notably the loss of two fingers) from an exploding mortar.  Beyond that, we have virtually no information as to his involvement, outside of some pictures from reunions in New York in the early 1950's.

My hope is to track down someone who knew my grandfather in the war and speak with him.  I will call, write letters, send e-mail... whatever it takes to learn about my grandfather before it is too late.

If you have any information or suggestions, please let me know at your earliest convenience.  My contact information follows at the end of this e-mail.

Thank you so much!

Tom Tarantino

From: Kate Christian 
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001
Subject: Toney Lazzaroni

  My Dad, Anthony (Toney) Lazzaroni just told me earlier this week that 
he was in the 94th Div during WWII.  I'm hoping to find someone who remembers being with him.  He was a POW in Germany for 96 days.  He is trying to receive his VA benefits and his medals but he needs proof that he was a POW. 
  He also is interested in the Reunion information.  He was in the 106th Div also.  I'm hoping you or someone you know might remember him.  I will show him this website next time he comes over and maybe that will help him remember more names and places. 

      Thank you for your time. 

Kate Christian 

From: CSMJAS@aol.com 
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001
Subject: Locate Newly Weds 
Please post the following note on your site:

'Hope some of you old-timers of the 94th can help me identify and locate two people my wife and I met while with the 94th. On the evening of 2 January 1944 the young couple with first names Opal and Bill (Probably William) were married at a large 2 story home that had been converted to a guest house (USO Type) for GI's on Main Street, Winona, Miss. They were both from Oklahoma, Tulsa I believe. Bill was either in the Artilllery, a Cannon or Heavy Weapons Company. He was not in a Rifle Company if my memory serves me correctly. Any information would be greatly appreciated. If there are any F/376 guys out there I would like to 
hear from you too.

Email address - CSMJAS@aol.com"
J. A. (Jim) Smalley 
CSM, US Army Retired


If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

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