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February - May 2004
From: Chris Bates click here to email me 
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004
Subject: Francis C. Bates

I am looking for information on my dad's service with the 94th in the ETO. His name was Francis C. Bates from Buffalo, NY and he passed away of cancer on 8/8/88. I would like to gather any information I can of company, unit, activities, etc. I have some photos but nothing else. Any help or information would be appreciated.

Thank you, 
Chris Bates

From: "Doward Jones JR" 
Subject: Doward Nixon Jones
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004

My father, Doward Nixon Jones served in the tank core on a tank destroyer, He entered the war late and was in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia when the war ended, He was sent back to the states and was supposed to go to the Pacific front when he was given leave. The War ended and he was discharged.

He passed away suddenly 8 years ago leaving us with litle information. He was from Hertfort, North Carolina 

I am researching to find some of his stories and friends I know he served with Lee Salk who he kept in touch with after the war when we lived in New York in the 1950's I Would appreciate any information.

Doward Jones, Jr.

 click here to email me 

From: Pam  click here to email me 
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 
Subject: PFC Alexander Pilnicki Jr.

I am trying to find out any information regaurding my grandfather PFC Alexander Pilnicki Jr. who was a POW in Germany with the 94th infantry company F 376 Reg.
Anyone with any information please feel free to contact me.


Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 
From: Mrs. Lucy Bahoosh (Boyajy) 
Subject: S/SGT Henry Boyajy

Mrs. Lucy Bahoosh (Boyajy) would like to find information on her brother S/Sgt Henry Boyajy 302nd INF Co. L who was wounded in house to house fighting in Kesslingen, Germany on 2 Feb 1945 and later died of his wounds. He was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart. Does anyone remember this action or S/Sgt Boyajy or maybe even have some photos of him? Anything would be greatly appreciated. 
click here to email me 
Thank You

From: Tom Kersen  click here to email me 
Subject: How Kung Chen
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004

I have tried find information concerning a Chinese national named How Kung Chen, who served with PFC Jimmie Hartness. I know Jimmy, who was from Mississippi, was a member of D Company 301st Regiment of the 94th Infantry Regiment and I believe Chen was in the same outfit. Anyone having information about Hartness or Chen would be greatly appreciated.

Thomas Kersen, PhD
Social Science Research Center
PO Box 5287, 103 Research Park
Mississippi State, MS 39762-5287
Work: 662-325-9336

Date: Thu, 20 May 2004
From: Louise Deis
Subject: Lieutenant Graham

John McKirnan, of Wycoff, New Jersey, would like to contact Lieutenant Graham, who was an aide de camp of General  Maloney.  Does anyone know of Graham's whereabouts, or at least remember his first name?

Thank you so much.

Louise Deis --   click here to email me --
on behalf of John McKirnan, and the NJ Chapter of the 94th Infantry Division John McKirnan, of Wycoff, New Jersey, would like to contact Lieutenant Graham, who was an aide de camp of General  Maloney.  Does anyone know of Graham's whereabouts, or at least remember his first name?

Thank you so much.

Louise Deis -- click here to email me  -- 
on behalf of John McKirnan, and the NJ Chapter of the 94th Infantry

From: Ellen Gamerman
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 
Subject: Looking for relatives of Thomas C. Walters

I am a reporter in the Washington bureau of The Baltimore Sun, and I am trying to track down the relatives of Thomas C. Walters for a story. Thomas C. Walters was a soldier in the 376th Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. He was killed in Betzdorf, Germany, on Jan. 18, 1945. His home was in Baltimore. I wondered if anyone knew how to track down anyone who might have known him, or family members who are still living. If you have any
leads, thoughts, suggestions, please call me at: 202-416-0276 or toll-free at 800-225-8713 x242. You can also click here to email me   If you don't reach me, please leave information on how I can contact you. 
Thanks very much for your time -- 
I hope to hear from you soon! Regards,
Ellen Gamerman

From: "karl and lela" 
date: Sat 5-08-04
Subject: 1st. Lieutenant Karl D. Miller, 301st Inf Reg / 1st BN / Hq Co.

I am looking for information or anyone who can remember me (Karl Miller) or our unit ...the 94th inf div. 301st Inf Reg / 1st BN / Hq Co. in the European theater 1942 to end of the war....we were in the Battle of the Bulge and Rhine river campaigns...I was the BN communications officer during these operations...I would enjoy communicating with anyone who was there.
Karl Miller  click here to email me 

Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 
From: Linda Kay Ross
Subject: Charles E. Ross

 I am looking for anyone who remembers my father, who served in the 376th infantry, 94th division, I think HQ Co.  His name was Charles E. Ross and attained the rank of sgt.
Thank you. Linda Kay Ross Cottle click here to email me 

From: Nancy Coleman Buerger
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004
Subject:  John M Coleman Co. C, 3113th Sig Bn

I am interested in finding out information about my father John M Coleman and his Tour of Duty in Europe in WWII.  He passed away in 1971.  I believe he was in Company C, 94th Signal Batalion.  I have a letter with an address of Co. C, 3113th Sig Bn.  His number was 16090786. 

Any information would be helpful.  I would like to know if his Unit will be represented later this month for the Memorial in DC.

Thank you,

Nancy Coleman Buerger  click here to email me 

From: "Thomas Couey"  click here to email me 
Subject: Thomas Couey, was First Sergeant for Company K
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004

I am looking for anyone with a story or history concerning the 301st Infantry from Camp Phillips through the ETO.  My records indicate my father, Thomas Couey, was First Sergeant for Company K, a (weapons?) company of 214 soldiers.  Are any published histories or biographies available?...email:   couey@bigfoot.com

From:  click here to email me 
Subject: sgt. william E. Novotny
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004

can u find out anything on my grandfather? hey was in 94th and partrooped in d-day. friend durring war was jack ruby! my grandfathers name was sgt. william E. Novotny. if you find out anything on him it would be greatly appreciated. he is no longer living. 

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 
From: Steve Flanagan 
Subject: O.S.S. agent by the name of David H. Troupe

Hello all,
Im trying to track down a reportedly well known O.S.S. agent by the name of David H. Troupe who also used the name Karl Lagenfeld in his various roles behind German Lines even posing as SS officers.  I have numerous items from his estate and am trying to document his story for my collection.

Thank you
Steve Flanagan
Dallas Texas
click here to email me 

From: "Cheri and Kevin Fuller" click here to email me 
Subject: 319th Medical Battalion
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 

I am writing to see if I could find some information on Company C 319th Med. Battalion. My uncle Lester N. Turben served with this unit, If anyone served with or in the 319th I would appriciate to be contacted to learn more of the 319th . 
Thank You 
Kevin L. Fuller

From: "jas n fran"  click here to email me 
Subject: Harlan Huey
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 

My name is Harlan Huey. 1944-1945, 94th infantry div. A Company 376th inf regiment. I transfered to cannons. I started out in a line company.  The engineers put up a floating bridge crossing the rhine river to get equipment across.  I cannot remember the names of the men I served with other than Baley who was killed with several others. I was supposed to go but I was told to stay back. I have reviewed the names on the 376th who were kia or dow and i don't find Baleys name. If anyone remembers me, or their dad has mentioned my name, i would like to get in touch.

I started out at normandy,  was in England, france, Germany,  battle of the buldge,  Baley is probably spelled incorrect. Don't remember if it was his first name or last or nickname.

A vietnam veteran is helping me try to recapture names and places and battles. as I get into this computer and see the photos and names, I may be able to tell my story and share with all of you a little about the war. this is his email, but he will get me the messages on a daily basis.

Hansan Huey
Stephenville Texas 

From: "R Mock"  click here to email me 
Subject: my grandfather, Willard Jess Braxton, served with the 376th A co.
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004

Dear Sir,

 My name is Rufus and I am the grandson of Willard Jess Braxton who served in A co. of the 376th  94th.   I was only nine when my grandfather died 15 Dec. 1982.  I have never been able to discuss with him any of the people that he served with or where they were, etc.  I was wondering if you have any information on any of this and if so, if you would be kind enough to share this with me.  I am seeking diligently on anything that I can get my hands on and any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much for your time,


From: "B.A Watson-Ackhurst" 
Subject: byron frederick hutchins
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004

Does anyone have any information ,concerning the family of Byron Frederick Hutchins. He was a staff sergeant in the U.S.army in wwii.He was in 445th Quartermaster Troop Transport Company. He was killed in action on Saturday August 5th 1944.I am his daughter, I was born 7 months after he died. I have been looking for some information for the past 35 years and have only just partially succeeded. This is the first message board I have found concerning WWII. I know he came from Hamilton County, Ohio.

I hope that there is someone who knew him as I can't find another message board to contact.
My email address is  click here to email me 

Thank you, 

From: James Graham
Subject: Does Anyone Remember PFC James (Fred) Fulton Company C 301st Infantry
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 

Please add my Grandfather to your TAPS list PFC James Fred Fulton of the 301st Infantry Company C passed away February 18, 2004. If there is anyone out there from his old unit that remembers him I would gladly like to hear from you. Like most Veteran's he rarely talked about his service but I would like to know what he was like then, and what some of the ribbons that were passed to me were for. I always knew he was a great man but am just now finding out there was a side to him none of us knew. Everything I have found about his time in Europe has been from linking this site and reading the information here, and from a copy of his discharge papers. I have managed to find a few pictures of him and some Army buddies, 
please click here to email me 
Thank you 
James Graham

From: "Jayne Gribble"  click here to email me 
Subject: My father, James Henry Dalsky ('Heini')
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004

I'm looking for information on the location and activities of the 302nd Infantry Regiment on/around Jan. 27, 1945.  My father, James Henry Dalsky ('Heini') was wounded on that day. 

I live in the Wash DC area and would like to know if any 94th activities for the WWII Memorial Dedication in May.


Jayne Gribble (Dalsky)

From: "Penny Pinson" 
Subject: Staff/Sgt Earl Ray Pinson
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004

From Penny Pinson 
staff/sgt earl ray pinson. my father was in company -m- 301- 94 divison. his feet were frozen in jan 1945. he is still living (81) and in good health.we are from greenwood, South Carolina. Joel Porter from Easley SC. passed away 6-8 years ago. one other guy in this unit was garrett(last name) from shelby n.c. i think he may dead also.these 3 men stayed in touch for years. if you know him or know someone still living in company m please fell free to contact me. thanks. Penny Pinson 516 Puckett Ferry Rd. Greenwood, SC. 29649. 864-223-5144 or  click here to email me 

From:  Robin Sullins Nee
Subject: Pfc. Starling E. Sullins, Co.G 376th Inf.94th Div.
Date: March 30, 2004

I am searching for anyone who might remember, or know of any information on, my Dad, Pfc. Starling E. Sullins.

He was in Company G, 376th Inf. Regt. of the 94th. He was from a little town in NW Georgia, where he lived until he passed away in 1992. But, not before he began trying to tell us some of his experiences during WWII. Communication was difficult since he had suffered two strokes, & also had the beginning stages of Alzheimers. But he was determined at times to try & tell us what he went through. Before he became ill, he never wanted to speak of it. We would just like to know if anyone might remember him, who might like to share any stories that could maybe help "fill in the gaps" of the things he told us". With the medals & patches we have from his uniform, we have determined that his Company & Infantry was in the Third Army under Patton & was involved in the Battle of the Bulge, but he mentioned another battle, with a German town in the name, but not sure which one.

After the war, he was an MP in Company "B" 508 M.P. Battalion & was stationed in Munich Germany, but spent some time in Czechoslovakia.

One of his buddys, that he spoke of often, was a Mr. "Don Corbo", full name, Dominick Corbo Jr, who was from Asbury Park NJ. Would anyone know of Mr. Corbo? 

Any information or stories you might wish to share would be very much appreciated. I would also like to thank the men of the 94th for their courageous service to our wonderful country!

Thank you,

Robin Sullins Nee
Normandy, Tennessee
click here to email me

From: "burkee001"  click here to email me
Subject: Wayne D. Scott - Co. K 301st Infantry
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 

Looking for Info on Wayne D. Scott - Co. K 301st Infantry
Hi my name is Jerry Burke. My uncle Wayne D. Scott served in company K of the 301st Infantry during WWII. He was from Sioux Falls, SD. He passed away a few years ago. I remember asking him about the war when I was quite young. The only story he ever told me was about when he was sweeping a village. He was going door to door. He kicked open a door and was face to face with a German soldier their guns pointing at each other. He said they both turned around and ran.

I have since come to believe that he was in some pretty bad stuff and just didn't want to talk about it. If anybody knew him, or was in the same unit as him, I would love to hear any stories that you could share. It seems that these stories are getting harder to come by. I understand why people don't want to talk about it but I think that you are all real heroes and history needs to know what it was really like.

I'm a Viet Nam era vet. Uncle Wayne was always a hero of mine with or without the war. I have been reading about the war lately and have a need to know first hand just what he had to deal with when he was just coming of age.

God Bless America and the men of the 94th.

From: "Thomas Norris" 
Subject: Looking for Info on Henry Norris - Co. D 301st Infantry Div.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 

Hello, My name is Tom Norris. My father, Henry Norris, served in Co. "D", 301st Infantry Division during WWII. He was a SGT. 

Dad passed away on March 24, 1992 from cancer. He never talked much about his war time memories, but he did mention some of his close friends - Howard Pearce, Bill Walker, and Roy Stumpf. I have had the honor of meeting all three of these men and their families. If anyone has any information about dad, I would be grateful to hear from you. I have a few pictures of dad with other soldiers, and would be glad to e-mail you a copy.

Thanks in advance!

Tom Norris
click here to email me

From: Frank Wright click here to email me
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004
Subject: Thank You

     I am a 15 year old and I have noticed the lack of respect my generation has for our country's previous veteran's services. On behalf of myself and my generation I would like to thank all of our veterans for their service in WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Gulf War, or just any men who were in uniform. 

Thank you for your service, we may not tell you now, but we are truly grateful!

Frank Wright 

From: "Carolyn Keese"  click here to email me
Subject: Company B, 319th Engineers, James Major Porter
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 

I am searching for anyone who was in Company B, 319th Engineers, who might know or remember James Major Porter, my father. He was injured in the the battle for Campholtz Woods, a mine exploded and he was blinded. He was rescued by Private First Class Weldon McCormack. I would love to talk to him and thank him for my father's life.
If you were in the 319th, please email me!

From:  Bill Van Sant
Subject:  William R. Van Sant
Date:  8 March 2004

I'm looking for someone who might remember my Dad(William R. Van Sant).   His serial # was 32213140.   He passed away in 1997.   I couldn't get him to go to the reunions.   He said he didn't want to stir up the bad memories of combat.   I have sent off the second set of forms to St. Louis to see if they can find his complete record.    I patiently wait.   After reading the history of the 376th Regiment, the history of the 94th Division, and Bill Foley's "Visions From A Foxhole", I believe my Dad might have been in the 376th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Company E,  3rd Platoon.    He said he was hit by shrapnel in the town of Geizenburg on 8 march 1945 while standing guard outside of a building.  He said that when a mortar landed close-by, he ran into the building for cover.  He said his squad saw that he was hit in the foot(he didn't know it yet), and tackled him, cut off his boot, and treated him.     I was hoping to find a 94ther that might still remember my Dad.   He said he purposely didn't learn anyone's name for the fear of going through anxiety if he happened to see them die in combat.  He probably went by "Bill".   He was from Oceanside, NY.  If anyone has any recollection, please e-mail me.
I'm looking forward to the Memphis reunion!  I plan to bring the motorcycle again. 
Bill Van Sant(Son of William R. Van Sant)
click here to email me

From: Brenda Garde
Subject: Woodrow Edward Garde
Date: 7 March 2004

I know my father, Woodrow Edward Garde, known as "Woody", served in the 94th in WW II. His records were lost in the fire in St Louis, MO. The VA did send me replacement medals for him, but no explanation what they were for. If any of you have suggestions, or ideas how/where to find any info please click here to email me .......Thank you.......Brenda Garde

From: "STEVEN JOHN SUMMERS"  click here to email me
Subject: John K. Summers
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004

My father John K. Summers passed away this last January, I have found his captain bars and the patch of the 94th. He came back with the usual stuff but never cared to talk about it that much, any one out there remember him? As the roll call gets smaller it is now up to us to remember them. Thanks Steve Summers

From: Jay Rodman  click here to email me
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004
Subject: James DeGarmo

James DeGarmo, my grandfather, served in the 94th  from Jan 16, 1942 through August 1945. 2 1/2 years were spent in Europe and France until he ended up in Czech in 1945. My grandfather has pretty much kept all his stories to himself, which seems to be common in these humble Veteran's. I am just looking to maybe locate some old buddies of his. He has spoken on occasion about two gentlemen named Bert Anelli and Ralph Dagler. If anyone has any information that could help me in my endeavor's I would greatly appreciate it! 

Jay Rodman

From: "Dick & Anne Roe"  click here to email me
Subject: 94th over-strength
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 

ASTP transfers to the 94th.  I had just finished 13 weeks at Benning, and had Pomona College orders in my hand, when the word came to forget it--y'all are going to the infrantry, which turned out to be the 94th at McCain. 

Fortunously, the huge transfer put the 94th over-strength, so about 2,000 were transferred out.  Some how, I scored high on the Mechanical Aptitude portion of the AGCT at the reception center (didn't give it a thought) and I was sent to Ordnance, then to the ETO 7th Army.

The transfer Benning to McCain was in Feb 1944, if you were caught up in this I would like to hear from you.
Dick Roe

From: "jim putnam" click here to email me
Subject: 301reg.L company, 94 Div.
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004

My father, Jack Putnam, served in the subject company and I am curious whether anyone has any tidbits to relate.  During my youth he never talked about his days in Europe and has only talked sparringly lately.  He will be 88 shortly and I thought that I could surprise him with some memories, hopefully good ones, from those days.
Thank you.
Jim Putnam 

From: "Le Maison" 
Subject: Mike Buczkowski ( nickname "Butch" or "Slats")
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 

Does anyone remember a Mike Buczkowski ( nickname "Butch" or "Slats")?  He was Co. C 9th Armd. Inf. Bn. 94th Inf.  He was a Platoon Sarge 605.  Was in battles at 1) Northern France 2) Central Europe 3) Ardennnes and 4) Rhineland.  Just want to know more about what he went through and what the conditions were.  He never talked about it much.  Thanks.  Please click here to email me or call 937-644-2245 (ask for Bruce Buczkowski.)

From: "Jack Wilz"
Subject: victory parade in Prague, Czech
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 

 Does anyone have memories of victory parade in Prague, Czech ,,,,Wencesial Square in August 1945..it was the 1st Bn 376th infantry 94th division.  I have found pictures with some names...one was my husband. Names are Col M G Rosebough of Greenwood Miss...Lt John H Wilz Rice La ke, Wis.....Lt Joe a Coffey New york...Lt Phillip Allen Long Beach Calif..George Rae, Jackson Tenn.  and others chosen because of their gallant fight and they received Presdential citation. I have found other photos in his books. If interested you can 
click here to email me


If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

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