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2014 Messages
94th Infantry Division Historical Society
Annual ATTACK Subscription fee applies to ALL receiving this notice.
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MUST FORWARD THE $15 Annual ATTACK         Fee by August 1st
Payable:  94th ID Historical Society
Mail to:  John Clyburn, 136 Hippocrates Way, Burlington, NJ 08016 Phone 609-699-6280
Forward copies and photos to:
Fred Higgins, 1736 Pilgrim Street, Akron, OH 44305
Phone: 1-330-608-2588
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LIFE MEMBERS of the 94th Inf. Div. Assn., 94th Alliance and 94th Ladies Auxiliary are now
Upgrade to LIFE MEMBERSHIP for $50
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Mail to:  John Clyburn, 136 Hippocrates Way, Burlington, NJ 08016 Phone 609-699-6280
2014 Messages
Fort Meade: WWII veteran Sgt. Claude H. Phelps retroactively awarded Bronze Star
claude phelps Dressed in his old Army dress uniform, retired Sgt. Claude H. Phelps, 94, is retroactively honored for his service on Utah Beach in France in 1944 with a Bronze Star Medal and with a European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal in a ceremony held Dec. 15 at McGill Training Center. (Courtesy photo by Phil Grout / December 16, 2014) claude phelps being decorated

By Fort Meade PAO
December 30, 2014
Retired Sgt. Claude H. Phelps did not know he would receive the Bronze Star Medal for his service in World War II when he arrived at McGill Training Center on Dec. 15 in his old dress uniform.

"[It's] well deserved," said Janet Haigley, Phelps' niece. "He has waited a long time and he's going to be surprised today because he doesn't know that he's getting it."

During the 30-minute ceremony, the 94-year-old veteran was presented with the Bronze Star Medal, the fourth highest individual military award, as well as the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal.

"I really don't know where to start," Phelps said, tearing up during his acceptance speech. "There's never been a time when I didn't look to the military. As I look back on it, the war has brought out a lot of love and I am so proud that I lived this long."

The 902nd Military Intelligence Group "adopted" Phelps after he was a guest speaker at a town hall nine months ago, said Spc. Christian Stalvey, who processed the paperwork for the award.

Phelps has also attended several Veterans Day and change-of-command ceremonies and volunteer events on the installation.

"He's well deserving of this because at that particular time, World War II soldiers were issued infantry badges, but didn't get the Bronze Star Medals they were entitled to," Stalvey said.

To remedy the oversight, the 902nd MI filed the proper paperwork in order for Phelps to receive the Bronze Star Medal.
"This is clearly all the great work of the 902nd," said Col. Yvette Hopkins, former commander of the 902nd MI.
Hopkins first met Phelps in 2007 at the home of a friend's parents and the two developed a friendship.

"I feel incredible love for him, as a soldier, as a man and as a living legend," Hopkins said. "He has been at every major military event in my career and I hope that I've been there for him. What's most important is that he's been there for soldiers."

The official citation awarded Phelps the honor for "meritorious achievement in active ground combat against the enemy while serving with Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 302nd Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division on 8 September 1944 on Utah Beach, France."

"Seventy years is a long time to wait for an award, (but) we know it's never too late to recognize a Soldier's contribution," said Col. John J. Bonin, commander of the 902nd MI, in his opening remarks.

Retired Lt. Col. Alfred H.M. Shehab, who also served in World War II, attended the ceremony to honor Phelps for his service.

"I think it's wonderful," Shehab said. "It's just an indication that the military recognizes its own and takes care of itself."
Phelps' family could not have been more pleased.

"We thought initially when all this came about that he would come down and somebody would hand him a medal and that would be the end of it," said Phelps' son John C. Phelps, a retired lieutenant with the State of Maryland Special Police. "This is overwhelming."

Compiled by staff of the Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs office.
- See more at:



From: James Vaseff
Subject: Question about the February 20, 1945 301, G Company action
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014

My father, Chris Vaseff was in the 3rd Army, XX Corps, 94th Division, 301st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, G Company; he came in as a replacement on February 12 1945, and was wounded in the February 20, 1945 action taking the town of Freudenburg. This ended his combat career of 8 days. I have finally found the Morning Reports for his unit after a number of years.

I have one simple question. I remember him telling me of seeing General Patton when they were lining up for an assault. The General walked up with the chrome helmet & pistols, stepped up on a wall or some rise and looked through his binoculars to the field in front of them. It was obvious he wanted to be seen by his troops. Now that I know my father had a very short time in combat, it appears that this may have the only time he could have had that experience. Does anyone reading this know of, or recall such an appearance of Gen Patton? This would have been about 0715 or so when they left Faha for Freudenburg, February 20, 1945. This was the start of the breech of the Moselle-Saar Triangle and the Siegfried line to follow.

Many thanks for information you may be able to share.

James Vaseff.

My home email is Vaseff@bellsouth.net

Sigal Museum to present Battle of the Bulge survivors
metz hold newspaper

Morris Metz, president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, holds up a newspaper with the headlines telling the bombing of Pearl Harbor as he and other members VBOB tell the story of the largest battle fought by American forces in WWII during a program

To mark the 70th anniversary of the World War II battle, the museum presented a roundtable of three survivors who live in the Lehigh Valley — Army veterans Morris Metz, Harold Kist and Donald Burdick.

The Battle of the Bulge, also called the Ardennes Offensive, was Adolf Hitler's attempt to break up the American, British and Canadian forces and regain control over the war in Europe. It began Dec. 16, 1944, with a major attack in heavily forested eastern Belgium and northern Luxembourg and ultimately involved almost a million soldiers.

Six weeks of battle in bitter cold left 67,000 Americans dead, disabled by injury, captured or missing in action. The Germans had 100,000 casualties.

Metz, 89, of Forks Township, served with the 94th Infantry Division, part of Gen. George S. Patton's 3rd Army. Kist, 91, of Palmer Township, was in the 99th Infantry Division, which held Elsenborn Ridge on the Belgian-German border. Burdick, 90, of Forks, was in the 16th Field Artillery Observation Battalion and among the troops trapped at Bastogne.

All three belong to the Lehigh Valley Chapter, Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, which has 21 survivors of the battle among its 100 members. Formed in May 1998, the group has been meeting monthly ever since. It has an educational role, with members going into schools to teach lessons about sacrifice and courage in World War II. Metz, VBOB's president since 2003, stepped down from the post this year.

World War II veteran Harold G. Kist, of Palmer Township, talks about his experiences during the Battle of the Bulge during a lunch with his fellow veterans. He and about 10 others from the Lehigh Valley went to Belgium and Luxembourg for the 13-day ceremony in commemoration of the 60th.

Sigal Museum, at 342 Northampton St., is run by the Northampton County Historical & Genealogical Society. For more information, call 610-253-1222.

From: "Camp, Andrew J MAJ USARMY 902 MI GRP (US)"
Subject: Retroactive Award of the Bronze Star Medal
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014

Mr. Helms,
Military Awards Army Regulation 600–8–22 Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date: 24 June 2013

bronze star medalPer our conversation. In 1947, the Bronze Star Medal (BSM) was retroactively awarded by General Order to all recipients of the Combat Infantryman Badge or the Combat Medical Badge during the Second World War. The relevant verbiage may be found in Army Regulation 600-8-22, Paragraph 3-15.d.(2):

"Award [of the BSM] may be made to each member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, after 6 December 1941, has been cited in orders or awarded a certificate for exemplary conduct in ground combat against an armed enemy between 7 December 1941 and 2 September 1945, inclusive, or whose meritorious achievement has been otherwise confirmed by documents executed prior to 1 July 1947. For this purpose, an award of the Combat Infantryman Badge or Combat Medical Badge is considered as a citation in orders. Documents executed since 4 August 1944 in connection with recommendations for the award of decorations of higher degree than the Bronze Star Medal will not be used as the basis for an award under this paragraph.

Veterans and retirees may submit letter application to
National Personnel Records Center,
9700 Page Avenue,
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100.

Soldiers who retired or were discharged after to 1 October 2002 and the next of kin of Soldiers who died after 1 October 2002 should send their letter application to the

Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200
The letter application should include documentary evidence, if possible."

Please feel free to forward the information above to any members of your organization who were awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge or the Combat Medical Badge but did not receive a BSM following the General Order publication in 1947. Should any of your members require assistance with the letter application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,

Andrew Camp
Major, US Army
Executive Officer
308th Military Intelligence Battalion
(301)677-3618 (Office)
(254)466-1417 (Cell Phone)

From: Diana Hammond <dianahamm@verizon.net>
Subject: pictures or information concerning Nick or Nicholas Tartamosa
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014

If anyone has pictures or information concerning Nick or Nicholas Tartamosa from Camden, New Jersey his family would appreciate any information. Nick served in the 302 infantry division and was wounded on Feb 25 1945. We believe he was wounded in the Saar Valley. He was sent to the 35th Evac hospital in Luxembourg and then the 68th general hospital. He was transported back to the states and treated at Hallorean hospital.

He was a proud man and served his country well. He attended many of the banquets the 94th held and also read the newsletter.

Thank you to all the Brave Men and Woman Who fought for our Freedoms, we will never forget you.

Diana Hammond, a proud daughter

Bronx veteran Bob Levine has his Nazi enemy to thank for saving his life twice during World War II

Levine, now 89, had his leg amputated by German Army physician Edgar Woll in 1944. The doctor also took his dog tags, marked 'H' for Hebrew, ensuring captors would not kill him.

Bob Levine

When Army Pvt. Bob Levine awoke on July 11, 1944, much of his right leg was missing.

The Nazi physician responsible was gone, too, and he had taken the soldier’s dog tags with him.

But in a stunning twist, the German doctor had just saved the Jewish G.I.’s life — not once, but twice.

The amputation, performed by Dr. Edgar Woll on the kitchen table of a French farmhouse, insured that the severely injured prisoner of war would not die from his wounds.

Woll’s removal of the dog tags, marked with an “H” for Hebrew, insured Levine’s genocidal German captors would not kill the Bronx teen because of his religion.

“He took the dog tags knowing full well that I would have got in trouble somewhere down the line,” recounted Levine, now a sprightly 89, at his Teaneck, N.J., apartment. “And I believe he saved me.”

Levine never got a chance to say thank you. The two men never met again.
Bob Levine Doctor Woll
Nazi doctor Edgar Woll saved American Bob Levine's life during World War II

But their wartime encounter forged a bond that later linked three generations of their families and lingered into the new millennium.

“It’s special,” said Levine. “How many guys came out of the war with this kind of connection?”

The beginning of Levine’s remarkable tale offered no hint of its eventual happy ending.

Levine turned 19 shortly after arriving in England in the runup to the Allies’ D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944. Levine and the rest of his 81-mm. mortar crew arrived on Utah Beach on the French coast behind the 90th Infantry.

The fighting continued for weeks, and Levine was injured during a fierce battle to seize a German-controlled hill overlooking the beach.

“Suddenly a grenade came over and caught me in my leg, right here,” he recalled, grabbing his right leg above the knee. “And I looked up, and I saw this German paratrooper.

dog tags
Woll took Levine's dog tags, which likely spared the Bronx soldier's life

“He looked about 10 feet tall, and pointed his submachine gun at me. The kid next to me got up and took off, and he just wheeled around and shot him.”

Levine, already a long way from Walton Ave., the Bronx, was now a Nazi prisoner of war.

While marching with other American prisoners behind enemy lines, a shell fired by their own troops exploded near the POWs.

The soldier alongside Levine died instantly — and absorbed most of the blast’s deadly force. Levine survived — and took another hit in the same leg.

“How do you live with this kind of thing?” he asks 70 years later.

In Levine’s case, the answer came with the help of the dark-haired, handsome Dr. Woll. The American soldier remembers lying on the table when Woll, in a surgical mask, entered and studied his dog tags.bob levine holding medal

Levine’s blood ran cold despite the summer heat.

“He says, ‘Was ist H?’ — and that was all I had to hear,” Levine recalled. “I said to myself — and I can still hear myself saying it — ‘There goes my 20th birthday.’

“I really did not think I would make it.”

At the time, all U.S. soldiers had a religious designation on their ID tags: C for Catholic, P for Protestant or H for Hebrew.

When Levine awoke, he found his leg gone and a note tucked into his shirt pocket. It was written in German on the blank side of a Nazi propaganda card; the other side bore quotes from Adolf Hitler.

The soldier couldn’t understand a word, but he clung to the card for months, hanging onto it while still a POW, after he was rescued by Allied troops and on the ship taking him back to the United States.

Once translated, Levine found the note explained exactly why the doctor opted for amputation and detailed his post-surgical treatment:
wife and daughter Dr. Woll's wife and daughter.

“Crushed right foot. Fracture of lower leg. Foreign body in upper right leg’s tissue. Opening of the ankle joint. Amputation at place of fracture. Bandage with sulfa. Vaccinated against gas gangrene.”

The missing dog tags likely spared Levine from Berga, a notorious camp for Jewish POWs where 350 American soldiers were worked to the bone — or the grave.

Levine’s wife of 63 years, Edith, believes her husband’s missing limb likely meant the latter.

“I don’t think they would have sent a guy with one leg to the camp,” she says. “I think he would have been...”

Her voice trails off.

bob levine in army hospital
Levine, center, in hospital during World War II

Levine, who became a businessman and owned several fast-food restaurants, spent the next 37 years thinking about the German doctor. When he returned to Normandy in 1981, he met with a local historian who tracked down the Woll family in Saarbrucken, Germany.

“The doctor had died in 1954, unfortunately,” Levine recalled. “But the family wanted to meet this American Jewish soldier. It was an amazing connection.”

Bob and Edith, who have two daughters of their own, spent the weekend with the doctor’s widow and children. They presented the widow with Woll’s old handwritten note.

There was a Saturday night party, with a few drinks and a few toasts. One of the German guests raised a glass and turned to Levine.

“Bob,” he declared, “without you, we’d all be saying Heil Hitler.”

The Levines returned the hospitality. When the Wolls’ granddaughter attended nearby Fairleigh Dickinson University, she moved in with the New Jersey couple.

A second granddaughter was a frequent dinner guest when her husband pursued a law degree at NYU.

The Levines received a family portrait last year from the Wolls when the doctor’s wife turned 100. And the Woll great-granddaughters went home with souvenir T-shirts after a recent U.S. visit.

“They became our extended family,” Levine said with delight. “Isn’t that amazing?”


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014
Subject: Rescue of the Lipizzaner horses during WW2, "Operation Cowboy"
From: Kathe Mensik <bkmensik@gmail.com>

Dear esteemed 94th Infantry soldiers of WW2, family members, and friends:
I am the daughter of John Hoerber, who some of you will remember was also a 94th-er. He was a past president, the Chairman for the Orlando reunion, and organizer for many of the European tours including the one for the Dedication of the Peace Monument near Sinz Germany in 1991.

rider and horseI am currently researching the Rescue of the Lipizzaner horses during WW2, "Operation Cowboy", which the 94th assisted the 2nd Cavalry in undertaking. As I understand the story, the 94th was sent in advance of the 2nd Cavalry to clean out pockets of resistance. However, the information I have is sketchy; and the 94th History Book is mute on the subject.

I would appreciate ANY information anyone could share with me, no matter how insignificant you may feel it is. I can be contacted in any of the following ways, whichever one is most comfortable and convenient for you:

email: bkmensik@gmail.com
phone: 406-425-4168
physical mail: Kathe Hoerber Mensik
PO Box 182
Red Lodge MT 59068

Thank you so much for your help. The 94th deserves to have their story told in all its amazing details, and I want to do everything I can to add to the Legacy. Men, thank you forever for your sacrifice and bravery. No one compares to you in my heart and mind.

With loving respect,
Kathe Hoerber Mensik

Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014
Subject: Burton A. Kolb, G/302 The Long March
From: Gerald Kolb <gerald.kolb@breastgroup.com>

My dad, Burton A. Kolb, served in G302 of the 94th and was captured when his platoon (3rd) was surrounded when in front of the company. He lost a number of friends in this engagement and it affected him for the rest of his life. He never spoke much about the war to me – I did not even know he had been to 94th reunions until after his death. About the only thing he talked about was to warn me when I was drafted that I needed to avoid being a radio operator — which was, of course what the Army chose for me when I went to Vietnam!

Dad died in 2003 and I would like to take some of his ashes back to where he was captured. I believe the town or hamlet was Kummelerhof, but I am unable to find that name on any modern map. Can anyone help me? Also, where is the Peace Memorial located?

After my dad, Burton A. Kolb, was captured with the survivors of the 3rd platoon, G company 2/302 at Kummelerhof on 6 March 1945, they began a march into the interior of Germany that did not end until the end of the war on 7 May. I know that the 3rd platoon survivors ended up in Ettringen, south of Augsburg, about 350 miles from their point of capture, but I don’t have any idea of the route or waypoints along the route. Dad never spoke of his captivity other than to say that they ate grass, snails and occasionally rotted produce from the fields.

I served in Vietnam, but my son and sons-in-law had the good fortune of not having to go to war. Unlike my childhood where every kid was related to or at least knew someone who had fought in WWII, my grandchildren (5 boys ages 4-15) do not have the perspective on the war that molded their great grandfather’s generation and so affected mine. Notwithstanding Iraq and Afghanistan, which are ugly in their own right, but remote to most Americans, I believe that WWII defined this nation and we need to maintain the historical reference of the sacrifice and valor of all of the ordinary soldiers who were called upon to do extraordinary things for their country.

Dad died in 2003 and I regret not learning more about his experiences before he died, but I want to give my grandsons something to let them know more about him and the experiences that shaped his life. To help in this effort, and to bring WWII down to human scale for them, I am writing a personal history. I am drawing heavily on correspondence that I found from other 94th Assn members after dad’s death, but the POW march is an information void that I would like to fill in. If anyone can help with any details of this period I would be most appreciative. My wife and I may even trace the route this next summer if I can get the trip together.

Any details concerning the ASTP program, or the 3rd Platoon, Co G, 2/301 of the 94th would be appreciated. I assume that the Germans aggregated Dad’s group of prisoners with others as they retreated, but I have not been able to find any material on the march. Considering that they averaged about 6 miles per day I can only imagine the impact on the men involved and I think it is time to bring some focus to this part of the war in Europe. ANY information will be gratefully appreciated.

Thanx in advance for any information or directions pointing to information that you can send me. I will share what I find out with the 94th Historical Society.

I continue to honor the service and sacrifice of my dad and all of the brothers with whom he served.


Jerry Kolb

Subject: Jess E. Bunch
From: sunch1002@aol.com
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014

Hello Mr. Secretary, my name is Stephen Bunch. My dad, Jess E. Bunch served with the 94th Signal Battalion in Company B while in WW2. He saw duty in the Ardennes; Rhineland; Central Europe. His commanding officer was Lt. Col. James L. Bolt.

Dad was born on May 29th, !923 and died on Nov. 18th, 1989. Dad lived in Cincinnati, Ohio.

This is what I know:

Third Army Commander: G.S. Patton Jr.

111 Corps Commander: Maj. General John Millikin

Battalion Commander: Lt. Col. James L. Bolt [94th Signal Battalion, APO 303, US Army.] Company B.

Dad passed away in 1989 and we never did discuss the war. I would like to know more about his service while in Central Europe. Anything you could do to help would be appreciated.

Stephen P. Bunch

From: Nick Tyson <nick@doggreenproductions.com
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2014
Subject: 94th Infantry Division in England


My name is Nick Tyson and I’m developing an interactive timeline about the buildup of American troops in Britain during World War II for the American Battle Monuments Commission, the U.S. government organization responsible for the cemeteries overseas from World War I and II. The interactive timeline will eventually be installed at the Cambridge American Cemetery and will also be available online.

I’m wondering if you or anyone else with the 94th Historical Society has photographs from the 94th’s time in England.

Let me know if you have any questions about the project.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Nick Tyson
Chief of Staff
Dog Green Productions
(646) 290-6931

From: Deb Wilson 
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014
Subject: Edward "Bill" Lytle B/302

Bill LyteI am looking for information of my uncle Edward "Bill" Lytle. He was with co. B, 302nd Inf Regt, 94th inf division and died in France on March 2, 1945. He was from Jacksonville Fl and was at camp Blanding. Attached is the form from when they moved his body from a cemetery in France to St Augustine National Cemetery in FL.

My email is deblmwdeblmw@yahoo.com. Thanks for any info and thank you for serving our great country.

Edward Lytle

From: Frank Albert <frank_albert@hotmail.com
Subject: Louis A. Albert
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014


While going through my dad's memorabilia, I found some old negatives, which I had processed.

My dad was Louis A. Albert, from Van Buren, Maine. He attained the rank of Sgt. during the war. After the war, he stayed involved with the ROTC and attained the rank of Lieutenant or Captain, before moving to Canada for work.

Louis Albertlouis albert

He was assigned to HQ unit. My dad spoke and wrote French and English perfectly.


That is my dad, Louis A. Albert in the back, unfortunately, I cannot identify the other two occupants…if someone can help me with the names…

louis albert

My Dad is on the right.

"Lest we forget"

Francis (Frank) Albert

From: "Nichole Dukas" <ndukas@teamtitle.net
Subject: Jacob (Jake) Nash Jr.
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014

I have recently been looking through some of my grandfather’s things. I have found an original copy of the 94th Infantry’s book that was published along with several articles. He was a sniper and as injured sometime in early in the year of 1945 as there is a letter from Washington addressed to my great grandmother regarding his hospital location. He didn’t speak much of the War. His name was Jacob Nash Jr.

See Jacob Nash's Scapbook at www.94thinfdiv.com/JacobNash.htm

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014
From: Nancy Calcavecchia <nan_c_us@yahoo.com
Subject: F. Peter (Pete) Schevola 302nd

Hello, my name is Nancy Schevola Lukacs. My father F. Peter (Pete) Schevola served in the 94th division, 302nd infantry during the Ardennes campaign. I know very little about his service (he didn't like to talk about it). I know he was suffered an injury that blew out his ear drums & I know he was awarded the Purple Heart & the Bronze Star. I have been unable to obtain his service records because they were destroyed in a fire.

Frankly, I know more about his exploits off the battlefield (he got busted more than once!). I realize that we are rapidly losing our WWII heroes, but if anyone has any information or remembrances of him I would love to hear about them.

Thank you,
Nancy Lukacs

Subject: George L Cannon 301st/K company
From: Kaylyn <kaylyncannon@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014

Still doing research on my grandfather (George L Cannon), but would love to hear names of others who may have served with him.

My father recently showed me a pair of old "stockings" that my grandfather brought back with him. On the inside were the initials "R. H. B"- khaki in color and also barely visible is the number 6 in what appears to be pencil.

Any and all info is greatly appreciated.

Kaylyn Cannon

From: Tom Christensen <t.christensen@stantonchase.com
Subject: Lester Rebeck. Awarded a Bronz Star
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014


I am looking for any information/ photos about Lester Rebeck. Awarded a Bronz Star.

Do you have any infomation about him and why he got the Bronz Star

I have his dog tag number if that could be to any help.

Best regards

Tom Christensen
From Norway

From: "Danna Paradis" <Danna.Paradis@live.com
Subject: Charlie Rainwater KIA
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014

I am emailing to see if anyone has any photos of Charlie Rainwater. He is my Great Uncle and was KIA while serving in the 301 Infantry Regiment when he was only 18. I never had the pleasure of meeting him and I would love to see any photos of him.
Thank You,
Danna Rainwater-Paradis

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014
Subject: Dr. Lawrence J. Radice, M.D., Major, 94th Infantry Division WWII
From: "L.A." <lahambly@gmail.com

Dear Sir(s):

I am a collector of US WWII M1 helmets and have recently acquired one belonging to a [deceased] Dr. Lawrence J. Radice, who attained the rank of major by the end of the War. He went on to practice neuropsychiatry for 65 years and was a generous contributor to the George Bush campaign. He was Rochester University Class of 1934. I am painstakingly trying to match stories and faces to my artifacts, I cannot find a picture of this man anywhere. I've exhausted my phone research and the Military records database has come up dry.

You are my last hope...can you help at least point me in the right direction? I hope to hear..

Best regards,

Lorie Ann "L.A." Hambly
Legion Six Historical Foundation
March with Legion Six on Facebook!
(855) 534-4684
(818) 209-5399 Mobile/Text

Subject: 94th M1 Garand Rifle
From: Blake Higginbotham <bigcasper101@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014


I wanted to share this picture with the 94th infantry association. I bought this m1 garand back in march and i engraved this in my rifle to show my appreciation for what these men did.

my great grandfather was injured on february 19th,1945 in nennig germany. He was part of the assault on munzigen ridge just outside of nenning. I also built the gun cabinet and engraved it too. I was gunna ask if this picture could be posted on the website?

thanks and have a wonderful day-Christopher Higginbotham


Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014
Subject: US canteen cup from year 1942
From: Mos Ad <mosadczuk1983@gmail.com

I living in Orscholz - Germany and found last week here in area US canteen cup from year 1942 .

I picked it up and seen it is engraved with name and various locations ! .
His name was RABENT .

Im very interested on history of 94 Division in my area here, can you help my find something more about this GI ? .
here are the pictures
best regards from Germany Orscholz-Switch

drinking canteen

click on each item to enlarge

rabent1 metal cup cup
carvings cup cup cup


Subject: Novie Glen Collins G/376
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014
From: "Snyder, Amy" <amysnyder5@yahoo.com

Hello my father Novie Glen Collins was part of the 94th Division. He passed away in March. Do you have any information you can share on him

My dad, Novie Glen Collins was with G Company, 2nd Battalion, 376 infantry regiment, 94th infantry division (xx corps, 3rd army after the 94th infantry division.
troop Click on photo to enlarge

My dad Novie Glen Collins is in the bottom right corner when looking at the picture.

Subject: George L Cannon of Galvez, Louisiana K/301
From: Kaylyn <kaylyncannon@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014

Looking for any information in reference to my grandfather, George L Cannon of Galvez, Louisiana. He served in the 94th infantry 301st company K, and received a Purple Heart along with some other medals that I'm not sure of. He, like most, rarely spoke of the war.

My dad told me that he did speak of a Capt Henry, but we don't know his first name. The only other story that he began to tell me one day was about his company taking a village in France. He said while they were walking, a sniper shot and killed his best buddy which was right behind him. He broke down sobbing and couldn't finish the story. Alzheimer's then got the best of him shortly after that, and he didn't speak of the war again. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Kaylyn Cannon

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014
From: Larry Rose
Subject: Company "AT"

My father-in-law, Louis Kruer, served in the 94th Infantry Div, 301st Infantry Regiment during WWII. In one of the pictures we have of him during training at Camp McCain he was standing in front of a sign that read "AT Co. 301st". Is there something special about a company designated "AT". I am just trying to understand my father-in-law's role during the war. He died a few months after my wife and I were married.

Please reply to larosepe@yahoo.com

Larry Rose

A son tells his father's soldier story

By Mark Gladstone | May 30, 2014
landing at Utah Beach Sam GladstonePhoto By Sameul Gladstone
Sam Gladstone
Members of an American landing unit help their exhausted comrades ashore during the Normandy invasion, in this June 6, 1944, photo. The men reached the zone code-named Utah Beach, near Sainte-Mere-Eglise, on a life raft, after their landing craft was hit and sunk by German coastal defenses. The 94th Infantry Division, of which Samuel Gladstone was a member, arrived on Utah Beach Sept. 8, as reinforcements. Samuel Gladstone was a rifleman in the 94th Infantry Division during World War II. He survived four European campaigns.

As the 70th anniversary of D-Day approaches, my thoughts turn to my father. As World War II unfolded, he was eager to enlist despite having a wife and infant daughter. He wasn't satisfied being a pipe fitter building war ships on the swing shift of a Los Angeles shipyard.

Samuel Gladstone was a rifleman in the 94th Infantry Division, part of Gen. George Patton's Third Army. At 26, he was an old man compared to most of his fellow soldiers, and his wartime experiences informed the rest of his life.

His own D-Day came weeks after the June 6 landings on Normandy. In contrast to June 6, the German fortifications at Utah Beach on Sept. 8, 1944, were empty and the guns silent. Even so, he quickly knew he was in a war zone. As his squad climbed up Utah Beach's sandy dunes, the scent of war still was in the air. He could see the deserted German pill boxes.

"You could smell the cordite. We finally realized we were in a war zone," he told my niece Elisa's middle school class in a videotaped talk in 2001.

His division's official history describes those first days in France this way: "Following a brief stay in England, the 94th landed on Utah Beach on D plus 94, 8 September 1944, and moved into Brittany to assume responsibility for containing some 60,000 German troops besieged in the Channel ports of Lorient and Saint-Nazaire.''

More than once, he cautioned my niece's class that he did nothing extraordinary.

"I am not a hero and I don't want anyone to think I'm a hero. Heroes are the ones who were left behind … who gave their lives … so we could live in a democracy.''

My father survived four European campaigns, including the Battle of the Bulge in the bitterly cold winter of 1944-45. Having grown up in Massachusetts, the 6-footer was accustomed to cold, but he was ill-prepared for the rigors of the sub-freezing temperatures and "going through snow up to my hips.'' In a letter home, he asked my mother to send woolen socks and his Kaywoodie pipe.

At social gatherings years later, my sister Marianne and I would overhear him talk of the war. He almost always focused on the lighter moments - not the hellish aspects of combat or his own feelings. He would recount "liberating" wine cellars in German and Czech towns. But even these tales reflected the jitters soldiers experienced. In one, his platoon was camped next to an apple orchard with apples the size of cantaloupes.

"If two of those dropped at the same time," he recalled, "they made a sound like the entire German army was approaching and guys would start firing their weapons right away. But there was nothing out there except the apples," which in the morning were found shattered by bullets.

On rare occasions, his letters home turned serious. As the son of Russian Jews, some of his saddest experiences were in encountering the signs of anti-Semitism. In a now yellowed letter dated April 7, 1945, a month before the Nazis surrendered, he described one such mournful moment. He was driving past a cemetery in occupied Germany. From his Jeep, he spotted Hebrew writing on the gravestones. He wrote: "God, it was a shock to see that in Germany. I got out and walked around and saw the names of the Jews who were buried there … I also saw evidence of Nazi maliciousness in the complete destruction of the Schule (synagogue). … It had been burned to the ground.''

Even as Hitler killed millions of Jews, it may have been my dad's Jewish background that kept him alive.

One of his fellow infantrymen told us the story of how my dad was transferred out of combat. During the Battle of Bulge, his friend Nat said my dad was ordered to be a runner relaying messages back and forth among commanders. After several days of dodging bullets, the gunfire got so strong that he jumped into a foxhole next to another GI. As he began talking, my dad realized that the man had been shot dead. It scared him.

My dad only described this period in general terms as "a rough deal.'' So when the combat ebbed and the Americans were again marching toward victory, a call went out for German speakers to help translate for the troops as they liberated various Nazi-occupied towns. My father saw an opportunity and he stepped forward.

One hitch though - he didn't know German.

Instead, he spoke Yiddish, the historical Jewish language written in Hebrew and based on German. But he managed to bluff it well enough that he was selected to join military teams creating civil governments in formerly occupied towns.

One day, my father and other soldiers spotted 30 or so bedraggled women and a few teens walking down a dusty roadway. As the war ended, these women had left a concentration camp and were searching for help. They were in need of food and medical care. The Americans took them to a nearby hospital, but after a few days they heard reports that the medical staff, including Nazi sympathizers, were mistreating the women. My dad and several others marched over to the hospital. In a scene that could have been in the movie "Inglourious Basterds,'' a fellow soldier, another Jew, grabbed a doctor and placed a pistol in his mouth and threatened that if anything happened to the women, he'd come back and blow off the doctor's head. My dad later recruited my mom to assist these concentration camp survivors to emigrate to the U.S. and elsewhere.

Before she died, my mom wanted to make sure my sister and I saved his scores of letters from the war, all neatly tied in string. None of hers survived numerous moves. But there was a single "radiogram" that I found sent Aug. 17, 1945, as Japan surrendered and the war finally ended. "Have to say hello V J Day I'm waiting I love you, Millie Gladstone."

My father would be home by the end of the year. He believed he survived the ordeal and came home to my mother and sister because of the rigorous training he received in the summer of 1944 at a hot and dusty base called Camp Roberts near Paso Robles, Calif. He learned to work with other men, GIs who became insurance salesman, English professors, advertising executives and foreign-trade specialists like him. It was that training, along with love of his family and plain luck, that got him through the hardships of war.

Before he died in 2007, he said: "I never thought I wouldn't come back. I never thought I'd get killed.''

Source: http://www.chron.com/

Date: Sat, 24 May 2014
Subject: 94th infantry division Historical Society
From: Amie Whitmore <hamptongus@gmail.com

Dear 94th,

I recently listened to the book, The Longest Winter by Alex Kershaw on CD. It only cemented further my ever deepening appreciation for veterans, but in particular WWII vets. You are America's treasure, and one of the reasons I am writing is I have a 17 year old son named Kirk who also appreciates who you are and what you have done. After reading the book, I began researching the 94th and found your website. I believe in the older and wiser teaching the younger. Knowing my son, if he had the opportunity to meet any of you he would be honored and humbled.

We live in Northern Virginia and you will be coming here in just about a month for your reunion. Is there any way we could come see you or be part of your day Saturday when you have free time to tour DC?

Perhaps this kind of request has been made before, but a mother's heart knows what would be meaningful and impactful in her son's life. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

With Deepest Respect,

Amie Whitmore

5412 Pachysandra Lane
Centreville, VA 20120

Listen to Bill Foley WWII Vet Talks With Musers


by DP on May 23, 2014

It’s Memorial Day weekend and the Musers have Bill Foley on with them. Great listen and also check out his website of his artwork, Visions From A Foxhole.

From: Susan Griffiths <dontcallmesue@hotmail.com
Subject: Looking for information on my father Lyle Leon Sheldon
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014

Lyle Leon SheldonMy father, Lyle Leon Sheldon, was a BAR man in the 94th.  I know that he was injured in the line of duty with a left shoulder shrapnel wound, and that he had "trench foot" and that parts of his feet were cut off due to the infections. 

He received the Bronze Star, but I don't know why he received it.  He rarely talked about his wartime experiences, but I don't think that was unusual for his generation. 

Any information that you could give me about his wartime service would be greatly appreciated.  He passed away in June 1993, and his cremains are buried at the National Cemetary in southern Oregon. 

Now that I'm older, I have discovered that I have a real need to connect with his service for our country. 

Thank you so much!  Susan Sheldon Griffiths

Date: Fri, 2 May 2014
Subject: President George H. W. Bush Letter for the 94th Monument Rededication in Germany
From: Daniel Runde <drunde@gmail.com

Please see attached from former President George HW Bush on the occasion of the 94th Monument rededication in

June 2014...


Please share widely as appropriate.

I will read it at the rededication...

Dan Runde

From: "Richard J. McCollough" <rmccollo@gmail.com
Subject: William A. McCollough TECH 4 HQ BTRY 94 DIV ARTY
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014

Dear Sirs,

I am doing research into my father’s military service in WWII. On his grave marker in Arlington National Cemetery
it says he was TECH 4 HQ BTRY 94 DIV ARTY World War II, what did he possibly do, where was he active?

Thank you.

Richard J. McCollough

Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2014
From: Klaus-Wolfgang Tapp <k-w.tapp@gmx.de
Subject: Question about an event during combat operation of 94th infantry division back in March 1945

Dear Sir,

being from Germany I am looking for some documentation about historic events around the first days in March 1945 affecting former military operations in the combat area of the 94th Infantry Division.

Let me shortly explain my motivation to contact you:
I grew up in a small village called Oberemmel in the former area of the Siegfried Line in today's German federal state of Rhineland-Palatina. As a child I often wondered about the remains of all those bunkers still being left from World War II. Eventually I started to study the history of my home village during the last days of the war in Germany.

Recently I have been told that around the first days in March 1945 General George S. Patton had stayed for some days in the house of my grandfather in Oberemmel during combat operations of the 94th Infantry Division in the area around nearby town of Zerf and further on towards Konz and Trier shortly before the Battle of Lampaden Ridge.

As I do not know whom to contact or where to find any hints for the presence of General Patton in Oberemmel I decided to start to ask you whether you could help me with any information from these days back in 1945.

I would be very glad if you could help me or give me advice where to look.

Kind regards
Wolfgang Tapp

Klaus-Wolfgang Tapp
Planckstraße 10
72622 Nuertingen
Mailto: k-w.tapp@gmx.de

From: "George Edgington" <edgington.george@gmail.com
Subject: Benny M. Edgington
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2014

My Father, Benny Edgington, landed at Utah Beach on 8 Sep 1944 and was then assigned to the 3rd battalion, 376st Infantry Regiment, 94th Division.

He was awarded theEIB, Expert Infanty Badge at Camp Mc Cain, Mississippi on 12 May 1944 while assigned to the 256th HQ, 94th Division. 

It then stated that he was given the CIB on 10 Nov 1944 while assigned with the 22nd HQ, 94th Division.  I'm not sure if these units really were part of the 94th Infantry Division and I would like to know if so, what battalion was he a part of, I think my dad stated once that he was in the 3rd Battalion, 376th Infantry.

EIB, Expert Infanty Badge at Camp Mc Cain, Mississippi and his CIB, Combat Infantry Badge in Brittany, France since that is where we were in November, 1944.
George Edgington

From: "Bernd Heinz - Ac" <post@heinz-bernd.de
Subject: Saar River Crossing
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014

I live in Germany, in the small town Taben-Rodt, on the left bank of the river Saar.

This took place during the second World Wars an important, strategic action instead.
On 22 February 1945 crossed the 94th Infantry Division the river Saar on this place.

At first they paddled over the Saar. Then they built a foot bridge and the first infantry conquered the steep, rough terrain at the cusp mountain and broke through the German Siegfried Line.

This important bridgehead on the Saar was expanded over the following days with a pontoon bridge and for the subsequent transport (10th Armored Div.) used.

I am seeking photos of this bridgehead, the bridge and after pictures of the area.
Also, aerial photographs or maps are interesting to me.
Maybe I can also get information on where such documents can be found.

I am also willing to acquire interesting information for sale.
Can you help me?
Bernd Heinz

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014
From: MILTON PARRISH <parrishkm@verizon.net
Subject: James Milton Parrish 302 inf


My older brother (born March 6, 1942) is continuing the work from our Dad's notes about the death of his brother's only child and son (see notes below):

"James Milton Parrish, Born FEB 4, 1926, Died FEB 19, 1945. Killed in battle of Saar Basin, Tettingen, Germany."

The only other information we have is that from my older brother who recalls my Dad saying that his nephew, (referred to him as Milton) was in the 302nd Infantry Regiment of the 94th Infantry Division and was given a Purple Heart.

After his 18th birthday, Feb 4th, 1944, he joined the US Army and was killed on Feb 19, 1945, just after his 19th birthday.

I am writing this now to request information to help us do a more thorough job about learning more about his unit's efforts when he died.

On April 22, 1946, I was born in Richmond, Virginia and my Dad's older brother, "Jimmy", asked if Mom and Dad would name their 2nd son after his boy and that is how I got my name, Milton Earl Parrish.

(By the way, I served two years in the US Army at Ft. Meade, MD after training at Ft. Benning and then Ft Polk, from Sep 1969 to Sep 1971, honorably discharged, SP5 rank in 11B and 71H).

I am currently a member of the American Legion, Post 186 here in Midlothian, VA.

My brother located on the internet a 66 page document (AD-A166 800) two days ago with the title:
The SAAR River Crossing 94th Infantry Division
February 1945

On p 12, the report states "a breakthrough on 19 February and a two day exploitation to the SAAR river by 21 February. ......Only in the 94th Division, where thick antipersonnel minefields were encountered on 19 February, ........were U.S. losses severe."

The date of this 66 page report was 1984 and this description was in the initial pages of the report:
The Combat Studies Institute was established on 18 June 1979 as a separate, department-level activity within the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

I was hopeful that the Historical Society could advise us further, or is this the only resource that may explain our cousin's death on that day in this location in Germany.

And also, I see the 2014 reunion is within 100 miles of Richmond this year. Would non-direct decendants be welcome?

Best Regards,

Milton E. Parrish
16101 Mabry Mill Drive
Midlothian, VA 23113

Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014
Subject: Blaine E Swearman
From: Chris Swearman <swearmanc@gmail.com

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for info about my Grandfather Blaine E Swearman - he was a combat engineer who was awarded the Bronze Star and Croix de Guerre (French) I believed he served in T/5 C/319 engineers.  He would never really tell anyone how he got those medals, often joking about shooting down a Stuka with a pistol, or saying he got those medals by digging latrines :-)  He also used to tell a story about keeping the roads clear with his bulldozer - they happened upon an abandoned Tiger tank, and had to get it out of the way.  Since it was too heavy to push, pull, or even budge, they resorted to blowing it up with dynamite!   At one time near the time of his death I asked him again and all he would say was "working under fire."  My cousin did a you-tube video about him found here: (in part 1 of 8)

Did anyone know him or have a record of what his unit did during the war?  I was in the Army myself and would love to know(and pass on to my kids) what "Pap" did for his country.

Chris Swearman

Feb 11, 2014
Spectacular Photos of World War II American Aircraft

94th Infantry Division SINZ Peace Monument

Restoration On the front page of the Winter 2014 ATTACK, you will have read the Status Report on the repairs of the 94th Peace Monument, by President Jim Eisenmann. Harry Helms, Al Theobald, Dan Runde and others have been reaching out to the German Government for assistance to resolve the vandalism, and to have the Monument restored.

The town of Perl, Germany, "US Veterans Friends" from Luxembourg" and the 94th Historical Society are raising money to restore the plaques using Stone instead of Bronze. We feel the stone plaques will not be vandalized.

The cost of these stone plaques will be around $20,000.

Why is that memorial there? The 94th saw action in Perl and Sinz in January 1945, during the Battle of the Bulge. A number of soldiers in the 94th M/302, died in the fields between Perl and Sinz. After the war, the 94th was sent as occupation forces into Czechoslovakia. Members of M/302 created a memorial to their fallen comrades and drove back to the Sinz battlefield. They spoke with a farmer who agreed to care for the memorial. He did for many years until a road extension was to be built in the farmer's field and the monument was moved several hundred yards to its present location. At the time of the move, in early 1990s, veterans of the 94th raised $50,000 to install bronze plaques on a new enhanced monument next to the original black marble memorial from 1945. The memorials commemorate the service of the 94th, those that died there, and peace between Germany and the United States.

These memorials are unique to the 94th Infantry Division, and it is fitting that the 94th Historical Society moves to restore the monuments so that they remains in perpetuity. There is much urgency as the 94th Veterans are too quickly passing on, and as they leave us, it will become more difficult to fund the restoration. This June 6th is the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion and this memorial is included on many Battlefield tours. It is unique as the only American Battlefield Monument on German soil. It was funded solely by the 94th Infantry Division.

The 94th Historical Society's goal is to have this memorial restored by the D-Day Anniversary, June 6, 2014.

Please consider a contribution to the 94th Infantry Historical Society, for the restoration of OUR memorial.

The 94th ID Historical Society is a 501(c)3 organization. Corporate matching gifts may be accepted.

Mail checks payable to:

94th Infantry Division Historical Society

C/O Harry Helms

609 Dogwood Drive,

Downingtown, PA 19335



Please indicate if your gift is in memory / honor of a 94th Veteran. Please indicate if your gift is to remain anonymous. __________

Veteran's Name___________________________________________________________________Unit______________________

From: "Leslie" <serfergirl@tx.rr.com
Subject: Milo C. Gronfield
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014
My uncle, Milo C. Gronfield, served in the 94th Infantry Division in World War II and was awarded the Silver Star for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity."  Are there any among you who served with him and remember him?
Thank you.

Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014
From: Robert Love <gandr94@centurylink.net
Subject: history of the 376th Infantry

Dear sir,

At this link,


Visitors and persons interested in the history of the 376th Infantry can find a free, and legal, downloadable pdf copy of the very useful book "History of the 376th Infantry Regiment Between the Years of 1921-1945" as compiled, edited and printed by the regimental historical committee in 1945.

Some library's have this book and I have seen it offered for sale for $150.00 plus. The free link above is extraordinary for those folks with interests in the 376th.

I would recommend adding this link to the the wonderful list you already have.

Thank you for your consideration.

Robert A. Love
Nephew of Raymond G. Love
Co. G 376th
KIA due to SW to the head at abt 0200 Feb 26, 1945
in a pillbox near Ockfen, Germany

Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2014
From: Chris Stencel <fhengineer@yahoo.com
Subject: Grand Father, SSG Michael P Stencel, 2BN, 301

My name is Chris Stencel. I am looking for information on my Grand Father, SSG Michael P Stencel, 2BN, 301 INF REG, 94 INF DIV.

My grandfather never spoke of the war to me. Its only now, seeing the words on the copies of his military jacket that I can see what he had done and where he had been, but Im looking for a little more. I am wondering if there are any pictures that exist or rosters that can tell me which company he was attached to. I know he was an armorer and the jacket says HQ Co.

I know that he was awarded a bronze star, for what I dont know, as well as a EAME with 4 stars. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My grandfather passed away in 2003, I love and miss my grandfather very much. When he passed his friends said that he was very proud of me, at the time I was a firefighter and held the rank of Captain.

Now, as my eyes read the letters of his papers, I am immensely proud of my grandfather, but I need your assistance to learn more. My Email is FHengineer@yahoo.com...

Thank You.

Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014
Subject: Donald Vincent Foster K/301
From: "sunnyside.63" <sunnyside.63@hotmail.com

I would like to know more about my father's service. His name was Donald Vincent Foster.

As I understand from reading his DD 214, he was a rifleman in CO K 301 INF in the 94th division. He was captured in October 44 in France. He was repatriated before the spring. He earned 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts.

I will be greatly appreciative of any help and guidance you can provide to me. Respectfully, his loving daughter Noel Foster Gorden


If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

click HERE to email us